Authentic Art

Authentic Art

As Good As Articles Get

103 stories

hilma af klint painting the dove number 1 a heart withing a circle posed on a rainbow colors a spiral running through it. As above, so below
The author in his office surround by his books.
Photo of a pink Christmas tree fairy. She has the most beautiful smile and her hands are clasped together in front of her. Her hair is made of pink cotton threads and it is sticking out at funny angles. The blurred background shows green foliage, a poinsettia, a candle and other Christmas decorations.
Authentic Art

Authentic Art

On Aging

9 stories

The author in his office surround by his books.
Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Great spiritual articles

5 stories

The author in his office surround by his books.
Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Increasing earnings

1 story

29% of Medium Writers Earn between $100 — $1000
Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Articles to Read When I'm feeling down

3 stories

Senior Hispanic Couple Taking a Selfie at the Beach.
Authentic Art

Authentic Art


No stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

If You Can Use a Good Laugh

1 story

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Art's DEP Book Project Articles

6 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Writing Tips

12 stories

Improve Your Writing by Being More Concise Shorter is better — when it comes to writing
How to Write a Conclusion for an Article How an article ends is as important as it begins — and maybe more
Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Five Favorite Articles I've Written

5 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art


9 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Personal Growth

44 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art


8 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

My Bio

1 story

Authentic Art

Authentic Art


5 stories

Authentic Art

Authentic Art

Top writer in self-growth and inner child. I love to write because it gets me in touch with myself. Hopefully, it’s also helpful to others. So far, so good!