Unbelievable — I Just Got Interviewed For the Third Time by a Medium Pub

I’m so thrilled for the recognition of how hard I work at my craft

Authentic Art
3 min readApr 18, 2022
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Here is a sample of some of the great questions Robert threw my way.

  • Art, you have a fantastic attitude towards life; you have mentioned to me in the past that this has grown with age; what is your driver on “self-growth”?
  • I think back to one of your earlier articles, “Love Yourself Unconditionally,” do you think that title sums you up as a person?
  • One of your more prominent articles that come to my mind is “Stop Victimizing Yourself — You Deserve Better.” I share this sentiment also; Art, you have an incredible ability to write with an open heart, is this something that you have hard to work hard on, or is it natural ability?
  • How would you describe your writing style?
  • Which publication do you have the best results from in claps and comments?
  • Which Medium writer is your favorite and why?

It was a pleasure answering Robert’s questions. It gave me the opportunity to reflect not only on my writing style but also on my character and how the two intertwine.



Authentic Art

Top writer in self-growth and inner child. I love to write because it gets me in touch with myself. Hopefully, it’s also helpful to others. So far, so good!